Introducing a New Update for the Wireless GO II, With Enhanced File Management, Navigation and Export
We are excited to announce a new update for the Wireless GO II, which introduces several new features that significantly improve the user experience when accessing and exporting on-board recordings from RØDE Central. We have upgraded the software to deliver a more streamlined workflow, with better file management, recording navigation and new export options.
The latest version of RØDE Central can be downloaded here (desktop version only). Find out more about the new features below.
Batch Export
You can now export multiple recordings from RØDE Central simultaneously. To do this, simply check the box next to any recordings you want to export, then click ‘Export’.
Exporting Selections
Sections of recordings can now be exported individually via manual selection, rather than you having to export the entire file. To do this, right-click and drag the selection tool anywhere on the waveform to highlight the section you need, then click ‘Export Selection’.
User Marker Indexing
Markers that you have manually dropped into a recording will now be indexed in a drop-down menu underneath each master recording.
Simply click the arrow next the recording you want to access to see the list of markers. When you click on one, you will jump to this section of the recording and a selection will be made between this marker and the next one in the file (or the end of the recording if there are no other markers). Then you can click ‘Export Selection’ to export this section of audio.
Colour-coded Markers
To make it easier to differentiate between dropout markers and user markers in a recording file, these are now colour coded red and green respectively. Dropout Regions If several dropouts occur within 10 seconds of each other, these will now be displayed as a “dropout region” rather than there being multiple dropout markers clumped together. This can then be exported as an individual section.
‘Jump-to Marker’ Buttons
In addition to colour-coding the markers, we have added ‘Jump-to Marker’ buttons, which make it even easier to locate and export dropouts, dropout regions and user markers. These are located next to the play button under the waveform. Simply select what type of marker you want to navigate to (dropouts or user markers), then click the buttons to jump to those markers. A selection will be made depending on what type of marker you are jumping to, which can then be exported individually using the ‘Export Selection’ button.
Naming Recordings
The names of recordings can now be manually edited in RØDE Central. Simply double click a recording title, type a new name, and press ‘Return/Enter’ to save it.
Note: recording file names are stored in RØDE Central, not on the transmitters, meaning that if you plug your Wireless GO II into a different computer, saved file names will not appear.
Mini-nav Bar
We have added a mini-nav bar above the main waveform when you open a recording. This shows the full file, including all markers, and allows you to quickly jump to any part of the recording you need to without the need to scrub through the main waveform, which takes longer. This is particularly handy for longer recordings.
You can either click on a section to jump to it or click and drag to scrub through the whole recording. You can also right-click and drag to make a selection in the mini-nav bar.
Waveform Zooming
A handy waveform zoom function has also been added. This allows you to zoom into sections of your recording and make very specific selections, which can then be exported using the selection tool.
The Wireless GO II is the world’s most powerful wireless microphone system, and with these new features, it is more flexible and easier to use than ever! You download the latest version of RØDE Central here or learn more about the Wireless GO II here.