How to Get Started

Pro Tip

If you are the host of a podcast or producing/engineering a recording, we recommend always plugging into headphone output 1. This is because when you press the ‘Listen’ button on a fader, it will only be solo’d for headphone output 1 so you can listen to that channel without disrupting the flow of the recording for other people in your session.


The ‘1’ encoder also controls the output level of the headset connected to the headset input on the front.

Pro Tip

To avoid unexpected loud sounds in your headphones, we recommend always starting with your headphone levels low before setting up your inputs for recording, then turning them up to a comfortable level.

Pro Tip

To avoid interference or electrical noise when using speakers/monitors, we recommend using balanced TRS cables.

Pro Tip

The two analog inputs on the RØDECaster Duo feature our world-class Revolution Preamps™. These are ultra-low-noise, high-gain preamps that will give you plenty of output, even with the most demanding dynamic microphones, while remaining incredibly quiet. This eliminates the need to use a line booster or lifter with your microphones. In fact, the noise floor of the Revolution Preamps is so low, using a lifter will actually introduce noise to your signal, so we highly recommend NOT using one.


You may notice that you are still getting levels on the meter even if the fader is all the way down. This is because the fader controls the level that is being sent to the output of the RØDECaster Duo, not the channel input level.

Pro Tip

Linked inputs will automatically be panned hard left and right, giving you a full stereo image. You will also notice that faders with linked inputs assigned to them will have two level meters on the mixer screen, so you can independently monitor the level of each input.


This will permanently delete all current configuration data. If you would like to save this data before erasing, see section above for how to export your ‘Show'.


The power drawn from the battery depends on usage factors including screen and LED brightness, USB connectivity, and phantom power status, so results may vary.