How to Solve Issues With Your VideoMic Me-C Audio in 3 Simple Steps

Released 17 Jun 2021

The VideoMic Me-C is compatible with a wide range of USB-C devices, including most Android phones, making it perfect for upping your audio game when shooting vlogs, TikToks, or any other mobile content. 

Unfortunately, updates to the Android operating system can cause compatibility issues with the VideoMic Me-C – but the good news is this can easily be solved with a simple firmware update for your microphone.

If you are experiencing clicking, distortion, or other audio issues when recording with your VideoMic Me-C (which often start occurring roughly 30 seconds into a recording), here’s what to do:

  1. Download the latest version of the RØDE Reporter app from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the app on your phone and connect your VideoMic Me-C. The RØDE Reporter app will indicate that the microphone is connected.
  3. In the app, select 'Settings', then 'Configure'. If a firmware update is available, it will be displayed. Click on it to upgrade to the latest firmware, and you’re good to go

The VideoMic Me-C is regularly updated with new firmware to ensure compatibility with current Android operating system updates and new Android devices. If you ever experience issues with your microphone or have updated your device, be sure to update your firmware using the RØDE Reporter app. 

If you are still experiencing issues, get in touch with our friendly customer service team and we'll be happy to help: