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RØDE 全套录音棚套件包含了在家中进行专业,录音棚音质录音所需的一切。该套件包含了我们的 AI-1 音频接口、出色的 NT1 大振膜电容话筒,外加 SM6 减震架以及 XLR 连接线,是您着手录制工作的不二之选。
其名闻遐迩,实至名归。此全套录音棚套件能让您在家中即享录音棚品质的录制效果。其中包含 RØDE AI-1 音频接口、NT1 大振膜电容话筒、SM6 减震架和防喷罩,以及所有连接所需的连接线。此外,每套还附赠一份 Ableton Lite 录音软件免费版,让您到手便能即刻开启录音体验。
AI-1 的流线型外形让安装流程简单无比,一插、一调——大功告成。其单一输入为一个高品质 Neutrik 组合插孔,适用 XLR 和 6.35mm (¼-inch) 连接线,话筒、吉他、贝斯或合成器均可轻松连接。AI-1 提供了 48V 幻象电源,并带有电频指示器,确保让您能够避免前置放大器过载。不论您用于播客人声录制还是复杂的多音轨音乐,AI-1 与 NT1 的组合能为任何应用带来极致清晰的音频效果。
AI-1 不仅能为录音软件提供极致清晰的音频,其精细、高功率的耳放更能为您的耳机带来前所未有的甜美声效。凭借其单级控制和在追踪人声或乐器时可切换的零延迟监测回声消除特性,完成音频播放轻而易举。AI-1 还拥有 6.35mm (¼-inch) 平衡输出,让您随心连接钟爱的扬声器。
Compatibility can vary, but generally speaking, the AI-1 can be powered by and used with a device which has a USB-C input (as USB-C generally provides more power, combined with the AI-1 being a class-compliant device). Notably, the AI-1 can be powered by and used with any iPad which has a USB-C input.
No, the AI-1 only needs power USB power from a computer, no external power supply is needed. USB power will allow the AI-1 to fully function, and this includes the ability to provide phantom power to the RØDE NT1, as well as other condenser microphones which rely on 48V phantom power.
Once you’ve registered the AI-1 for extended warranty, a claim for the Ableton Live 10 Lite software is automatically generated to then be manually approved by our team (this can take up to 2 business days).
Please ensure that 48V Phantom Power is enabled from your AI-1, as this will power the NT1. Simply press the left, front dial on the AI-1, and a red light will appear next to that dial, underneath where it says ‘P48’. This indicates that 48V Phantom Power is now being provided. This will allow your NT1 microphone to be detected by the computer. To increase the microphone signal, simply adjust the same front, left dial.
If you wish to hear your microphone signal live, simply press the front, right dial of the AI-1. A light will then appear underneath the Microphone/Headphones symbol, indicating Live Monitoring has been enabled.
You can use any standard 1/4” to 3.5mm adaptor for the headphone jack. We recommend the RØDE HJA-4 adaptor.
The RØDE PSA1+ is great for using the NT1 with the RØDE SM6 Shock Mount. This allows for easy, on-the-fly adjustment, and provide the perfect professional touch for your studio setup. Learn more about the PSA1+ here.
Most often this is because a monitoring option is already enabled within a program or platform being used. You can turn off the Live Monitoring from your AI-1, and this will fix the issue. If you are wishing to monitor your audio rather than listen back, this method can introduce a slight audio delay. Alternatively, you can disable the monitoring option within the program or platform.